Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Francis Bacon is William Shakespeare Part 3

In my last blog I promised to tell you how in an article in the Chicage Tribune, 1916, we could read that Sir Francis Bacon wrote Shakespeare. Unfortunately, when it came for me to read the text, I was unable to as it was too small and indecipherable.
Therefore we will just have to rely on the noisy headline: Aha! Sherlock is outdone! The Great Shakespeare Mystery is no longer a mystery. It has been solved right here in Chicago, and the spirit of Lord Bacon says,"I am content with my 1916 glory."

However, in my final blog on this topic, I wish to show you how Durning-Lawrence, the author of Bacon is Shakespeare used the illustration below from Cryptomenytices et Cryptographie by Gustavi Selenito (Augustus the Younger, Duke of Brunswick-Luneburg 1579-1666) to prove his point.

                                    From "Who Wrote Shakespeare?" by John Michell

If you look carefully at the panel at the bottom, according to Durning-Lawrence, the seated man is Bacon, while the standing man next to him, raising the hat is Shakespeare happily claiming the glory of writing Bacon's plays.

In the left hand panel, the old and shaking Shakespeare look-alike holding a spear is receiving a book (of WS plays?) from Bacon, while in the right-hand panel you can see a Baconian hatted horseman galloping away to herald the fame of Shake-spur.

Finally, at the top of the page, the many lighted beacons really stand for Sir Francis Bacon. According to Durning-Lawrence, the word 'Bacon' was pronounced'beacon' in the 16th century.

So did Bacon write Shakespeare? I'll leave you to decide (and send me your comments to If you are still undecided, wait for my next blog when we'll see if the real writer of WS was Edward de Vere, the Earl of Oxford.


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